Update of Masking Guidelines COVID-19, Maryland Primary Care Physicians — May 2023

While COVID-19 remains active in our communities and personal lives, improved community and transmission rates allow for a modification of our Masking Guidelines.

Wearing a mask will be optional within our waiting and patient care areas provided that the community-established transmission rate is reported low or moderate.

Individuals that have active respiratory symptoms such as coughing, congestion or sneezing will be required to wear a mask.

We encourage individuals with higher COVID-19 risk, such as immunosuppressed individuals and patients over 65, to wear a mask.

Staff and providers will wear a mask when clinically appropriate, when interacting with high-risk individuals, or to accommodate patients choosing to wear a mask.

We encourage the use of a well-fitting, high-quality mask such as N95 or KN95 masks.

We will continue to follow the latest guidance from the CDC and the Maryland Department of Health to adjust our policies and practices as changes occur in community transmission levels.